Friday, December 3, 2010

A true Self Evaluation

I feel like I’ve taken five steps back instead of 10 steps forward. This semester has really been all over the place for me. A freshman off campus their very first time in college is definitley not a good idea. I wish we would have reconsidered my living conditions. The living off campus is a down fall but besides that I know that since I’ve left the nest of Atlanta, Georgia I’ve become a new individual. I’ve grown in ways that I never knew can grow. The biggest and hardest one I accomplished was responsibility. Responsibility and I are like oil and water. I have always had a problem with it, blaming any and everything but myself. When I came to Howard I knew that everything I was about to get myself into were going to be because of my choices. Everything that has happen this semester is because of me. Whether it’s not making a deadline, not going to class, or forgetting to do a homework assignment is 100% my fault. There’s no one to blame and I’m an only child so I never even had the comfort of possibly blaming a sibling. You would think I would’ve learned this early on in life by default but, after years of my perfect excuses they’ve always pulled through. Well now there aren’t any excuses. No more lies or “What had happened was” situations. So to self evaluate myself I would give myself a below average because there’s no way I gave my full potential in the class. The difference between me and thousands of people in this world is that I can’t lie to myself, sit back and convince myself that when I’m wrong I’m right. I know when I’m dead wrong and I’ve learned to accept it. Real is real and it gets no realer than that.

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