Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Group Presentation 2

"Effects of Cyber Bullying on Teens"

The Fab 5 group presented on an issue that I have never even considered thinking about. Because of the accessibility of social networks to people of all ages, we must evaluate the dangers that lurk as a result. We can always look at social networks as a way to connect with old friends, build strong business relationships, and promote for shows and opportunities around the world. Yet, in schools around the country, bullying has always been and continue to be a major concern because of the physical, psychological, and academic ramifications that can occur. Because we all have access to these social networks, the question is now, "Does Cyber Bullying Even Exist?" The answer is yes and it is a lot more dangerous than previously thought by me. Cyber Bullying is an issue that must be seriously looked at because it is affecting children everywhere.

42% of kids have admitted to being bullied online and 58% of them have not told their parents about it. The problem with cyber bullying is that it carries the drama of regular school into the home life. Kids should view home and even after-school hours as a safe haven to be with family but with the accessiblity of the social network, whatever is going on in the school can just carry over. A person's cyber personality can be completely different that what they really so for children not at the age of legal accountability, their self-esteem could be online. The group reported that cyber bullying offered kids a higher chance of stress which we all know is not something students need more of. This most stop!

Writtten by Kasaun Wilson

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