Thursday, December 2, 2010

Our Language

When most people speak of language, especially in the country, the English language is always referenced as the standard for what everyone should speak. However, even within our own country, we have so many dialects, cultures, and slangs that embody what we call verbal communication. For Black people in this country, our conversation of language digs a little deeper than most. Whether it is hearing ad-libs on a rap songor hearing Snoop Dogg say "For shizzle, my nizzle", the legitimacy of our most basic slang has always been questioned.

Dr. Carr's presentation on our language means so much to me especially because I am apart of the hip-hop culture. Dr. Carr spoke about the origins of what is called "slang" and how the rest of America sees it. The origins come from Kemet so in a sense, I am reflecting my beginning. Language is a way for a group of communication. The way he puts it, it made me think that no language can really claim to be original. Most languages, including American English, were derived from someone else's language. If it works for us, then it is is LANGUAGE. That was re-affirming!

Written by Kasaun Wilson

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