Friday, December 10, 2010

Actualizing Self

Dr. Segun Gbadegesin had a great presentation today about self-actualization and the story surrounding it. First, I was really feeling that well today and wasn't sure if Iwas going to come to class. I am now happy that I did. Dr. Gbadegesin was very captivating and knew his material, which I always appreciate in an instructor's presentation. He was very passionate about his material. Dr. Gbadegesin narrated on the story of Iwa. The story of Iwa is an African story that has been passed down through the generations. It was a story that signified the principles that was important in their society. To be honest, being of African descent, it is now a story the story of Iwa signified the principles that ARE important to our society. Basically, she was the wife of Orunmila and just wanted to be respected by him. Facing the realities of their relationship, she left him and eventually devastated him. It turned out that he could not handle life without her and became a statistic by losing everything that he had. Even after searching for her, he came up with nothing. Iwa, according to Dr. Gbadegesin, embodies the concept of character and it is our job to keep her around. If we lose "her", we lose everything. I learned so much from this presentation.

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