Thursday, December 2, 2010

Help With Presentations

For the end of the semester, we have to give a group presentation for Freshman Seminar. I have taken classes in Principles of Speech and Advanced Public Speaking so this dissertation from Dr. Dana Williams was very timely. She spoke to us about the fine points of how to give a presentation. Sometimes she gave hints, she gave insight to craft it better for the audience, and equipped us with the ability to give a presentation that not only will be memorable to the audience during the presentation but will resonate with them long after they live.

One hint that she gave us was to be selective in the topic-picking process. She asked us to be specific about the topic and find something that we could personally invest our own interest in. I would love to present on hip hop but her suggestions makes me want to be a little more specific about what part of hip hop I would want to present on. Dr. Dana was a good presenter and I was engaged for all of the class period. I know this information will serve me well in the future.

Written by Kasaun Wilson

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