Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Eloquence of the Scribes: Initiations, Expectations, and Mastery- Continuing the Legacy of Howard University

I actually enjoyed this lecture. Writing is an art. What I am saying is, not everyone is as skillful with words as other people. A scribe is a person who serves as a professional copyist. When you really sit back and think about it, there are many modern day scribes in the world today such as poets, rappers, historians, etc. Many famous scribes from Howard University include: Zora Neale Thurston, Inabel Burns Lindsay, Jesse Moorland, and Arthur Spingarn. Zora Thurston founded The Hilltop. Jesse Moorland and Arthur Spingarn started a library here at Howard University. Inabel Lindsay was the very first dean of the School of Social Work in 1945. I never realized that all of the buildings, with the exception of Douglas Hall, were named after people. All of the buildings in the Quad are named after famous women mostly African-American women. The first scribes originated in Africa. The Africans had their own alphabet and language, so clearly the African race is not inferior when it comes to language and intelligence. We, the new generation, have the responsibility of following in the footsteps of the scribes before us. We have to leave information for the generation that is coming up after us. We can all be scribes in our individual fields of study. There has to be a representation from each school so there will not be any type of imbalance later. I hope that if I do write things down in a legible manner, someone will find them some years later and be able to learn from my writings.



By Christiana Flood

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