Friday, December 3, 2010


I feel that I have grown tremendously since the beginning of this semester. My first year of college is not over, but I feel more mature than when I first got here. Freshman Seminar was easy in the beginning, but when it came to group projects I was worried because my group was not put together yet. Once my group was put together we had the task of getting our schedules lined up so we could meet and talk bout our project. We ended up having a really good group presentation. We talked bout how black America views Hip Hop. I never really thought about Hip Hop until our project. We, as a group, knew a lot about Hip Hop. This class has taught me how to work well with others even if I do not know them. I have also learned how to do a real research project. No doubt I will have to utilize this skill very soon in my upcoming years of college. I look forward to being a great student. This class has also taught me many things I did not know about my African Heritage. I never realized how historically oriented Howard University was until I stepped foot in Freshman Seminar. I'm actually kind of happy that this is a mandatory course. I learned a much needed skill from this class. I hope to get Dr. Carr as one of my professors soon because of his enthusiasm as it relates to the history of Africans and African Americans.


By Christiana Flood

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