The last lecture focused on different research and methodologies. It encompassed the past lessons in the lecture series such as ma'at and the ideals of Khemet society. As previously discussed the Africans viewed knowledge as useless unless it is applied to fix the problems of the world. This lecture focused on the proper process of fixing worldly problems. In order to fix these problems you must first be able to conduct research. Research is simply more than a Google search and the step by step process was explained during this class period. What I found most interesting about this lecture is the statement that without the proper research methodology that your research cannot truly be valid. As a budding intellectual that made me realize that I need to improve my own research method. That in order to truly inquire a vast amount of knowledge I must have a great research methodology.
Another significant aspect of the lecture was the “breakdown” of the purpose of freshmen seminar. The speaker demonstrated how Howard COAS identified a problem within the black community that also affected students at Howard. After identifying the problem they began to brain storm way to fix this problem. The solution was a freshmen seminar class in which a curriculum is developed to solve these problems. This explanation was not only an example of the research methodology process but informed the students of why the class is necessary. By informing the students what the intentions of the class is it allows them to change their opinion and approach toward the class.
By: Stanford Fraser
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